Sub Pielea Mea is a new trending song by Carla’s Dreams. Very melodic, minor-ish, passionate. I used the 3rd position here for this song.

Carla’s Dreams by Sub Pielea Mea

-6 6 6 6 -5
-6 -6 6 6 6 -5
-6 6 6 6 6 -5 5

(see tab legend below)

This song is played in harmonic minor, so learn the scale and play around with it. Then I’d suggest learning the melody and adding variations later in the song. I added the third interval to the melody, this time in the chorus, which made it sound much more powerful. The hard part for me was learning all of the different melodies in the verses, although you can learn one melody and then create some of your own. This song sounds especially good when you are feeling sad, along with a glass of whiskey : )


Tab Legend

There are a lot of systems for harmonica tablature. I have chosen the below system of tablature because it’s becoming the internet’s most commonly used standard.

1 means blow on hole number 1
-1 means draw on hole number 1
4 means blow on hole number 4
-4 means draw on hole number 4
45 means blow on hole number 4 and hole number 5 at the same time
-45 means draw on hole number 4 and hole number 5 at the same time

And here’s the bending tab examples:
-3′ means play 3 draw bent down a half step
-3” means play 3 draw bent down two half steps
-3”’ means play 3 draw bent down three half steps
4o means overblow


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