The Hohner CX-12 Jazz is the latest incarnation of Hohner’s tried and true CX-12 harmonica. The CX-12 Jazz has a brand new jazzy look. It’s got a great reddish gold finish, but that’s not the biggest difference between it and the CX-12. The biggest difference is that the Jazz has been specifically designed to have an ergonomic mouthpiece that conforms right to your lips. That makes the harp look intriguing, and also makes it a little more comfortable to play. Unfortunately, it also costs about $200 more than the CX-12, and the internal components aren’t any different. Even the sound is just about identical. So, this model is really only better for people who collect harmonicas, or for people who have some serious concerns about mouth comfort.
Ergonomic mouthpiece
Same components as original CX-12, but almost double the price
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